Babies are still asleep althoug ist's already 7.30... am dog-tired but can't sleep.
Becoming a mom with 40 has one great disadvantage - it takes you longer to recover from a sleepless night and with twins, you have sleepless nights more often than not. Sometimes I'm awake just waiting for one of them to start crying...........
When they were really small I had to adjust to a minimal amount of sleep which was really hard - and which resulted in bad temper throughout the day (ask my husband...;-(().
Now, after almost a year, it seems my body has finally accepted a lack of sleep, and of course, nights are much better than they used to be. I take a nap during the day whenever I can, but then there's no time for oither things like eating, coking, taking a bath or just sitting stupidly watching a soap on the telly (TV programme during the day is another topic worth writing about)
oops, somebody is stirring below. Should make breakfast for my boys. Crying has started alsmost instantly, so rush, mummy, rush